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From The Time In The Cradle



September 2022 -

December, 2022


Folksight Vietnam

The concept behind From The Time In The Cradle is to showcase the timeless bond between mothers and daughters. A bond that is strengthened through the passing down of family traditions, cultural heritage, and personal taste in beauty. It's a reminder of the power of a mother's love and influence, and how it shapes the lives and perspectives of those around her. From the cradle to adulthood, this bond is a source of comfort, inspiration, and love that lasts a lifetime. It celebrates the power of a mother's love and the lasting impact it has on her daughter's life. 


This commission allowed me to express my love for Vietnamese folk art, nursery decor, and my personal touch of femininity, all while staying true to my roots and cultural influences. The result is a vibrant masterpiece, now available on the softest silk for all to enjoy. 

Nằm Nôi-Colored-resized.png

From The Time In The Cradle - final image

From The Time In The Cradle - close-up details


From The Time In The Cradle - artwork applications

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